Erpa İnşaat & Yapı
You think that will be enough to stop the ceremony?
I pulled the old switcheroo, so they won’t even know the difference.
Wait a minute.
I think the copy I made actually cost more than this!
Cheap, lousy Lars.
Actually, this is extremely nice.
But I really went all-out on the copy. lt was sort of my gift to them.
I can’t let this happen.
She’ll never be happy without me.
It’s not fair.
We need each other.
Fry, you dumb sack.
I don’t care about your problems at all.
You need your blanket, Mr.
She ought to find a guy with two eyes and poke one out.
That’d be a timesaver.
Do you mind?
You can use this as a poker.
Thanks, if it’s less than five, I don’t care how many eyes he has.
I want a guy who’s adventurous, self- confident, maybe a snappy dresser.
These new uniforms are snappy, first officer.
I suppose, captain.
I’m not a big fan of velour as you are.
What do you want Destroy them!
That’s got a nice feel to it.
Captain’s journal.
Who are you talking to?