You think that will be enough to stop the ceremony?


I pulled the old switcheroo, so they won’t even know the difference.

Wait a minute.

I think the copy I made actually cost more than this!

Cheap, lousy Lars.

Actually, this is extremely nice.

But I really went all-out on the copy. lt was sort of my gift to them.

I can’t let this happen.

She’ll never be happy without me.

It’s not fair.

We need each other.

Fry, you dumb sack.

I don’t care about your problems at all.

You need your blanket, Mr.

She ought to find a guy with two eyes and poke one out.

That’d be a timesaver.

Do you mind?

You can use this as a poker.

Thanks, if it’s less than five, I don’t care how many eyes he has.

I want a guy who’s adventurous, self- confident, maybe a snappy dresser.

These new uniforms are snappy, first officer.

I suppose, captain.

I’m not a big fan of velour as you are.

What do you want Destroy them!

That’s got a nice feel to it.

Captain’s journal.

Who are you talking to?



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